This page is for the following states:

West Virginia

Please leave your exciting trip ideas below!


  1. We would love to go back to Williamsburg, Va. It has the original town from back in the 1700's. You can walk where George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin walked. there are houses on the grounds that are haunted that you can stay the night. And you go through all the buildings in the village, including Uncle Bob's ancestor's home. Down the road is Jamestown. Haven't been there yet.

  2. If it is haunted, that is even more incentive to go! lol

  3. Go Packers! When you visit Wisconsin, you NEED to go to Green Bay to see Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. Buy a brat and eat some cheese curds! If you want to vacation like a true Wisconsinite, head north past Wausau on route 51. Northern Wisconsin is covered with beautiful lakes. Minocqua is a popular vacation town with shops, restaurants, and beaches. Boulder Junction and Manitowish Waters are also nice little towns with a few shops and locally owned restaurants. Most vacationers just rent a cabin on a lake. Loons and eagles are seen on many of the lakes, as well as black bear and deer. If you're not up for the north woods atmosphere, stay south around Madison and you'll see plenty of farmland and cows.

  4. Wyoming has one of the most visited National Parks in the country. Yellowstone is a must see to add to your bucket list. The buffalo, elk, deer, etc are plentiful and right along the road. There is just so much to see with all the geysers, including Old Faithful. We also took the chuckwagon steak dinner. Horsedrawn wagons to a steak dinner with all the fixins (all you can eat). Just below Yellowstone is the Grand Teton Mountains. Awesome scenery and wildlife. We took a boat out to an island on the lake and had breakfast with fresh trout. I would do it again in a minute.

  5. Harpers Ferry, W Va. It's just a stones throw from D.C. This is the place where Leah's Staubs ancestors lived from about 1850. There are still Staubs relatives living there. There is a National Park and a tour. You can climb the trail to Jefferson Rock where Thomas Jefferson looked over 3 states at one time. The view is beautiful. Also, where John Brown was holed up and later hung at the beginning of the Civil War. Leah's ancestors were there at the time.
